
Trauma Patient Improvement

Why Participate?

  • Identify variations in the treatment of complex multi-trauma patients

  • Compare ISS scores Vs LOS and RSI for all facilities

  • Share issues and innovations with your colleagues

  • Develop action plans to improve practices at your health service


Select Roundtable R2 on your subscription agreement and return by email to


$A5,000 per Member Facility (plus GST). 
Individual delegate venue fees are billed separately.

Timeline and key dates

15 February 2017
Pre-meeting survey available online

1 March 2017
Pre-meeting survey closes for completion

21 March 2017
Pre-meeting Briefing package distributed

5 April 2017
Attend annual Workshop in Sydney

Trauma Patient Improvement Group

5 April 2017 - Sydney
Meeting Code HRT1707

The Trauma Patient Improvement Group will be benchmarking and identifying different models of care for the complex multi-trauma patient. This year's focus will be on the "complex coordination of care provided by the multiple surgical and medical teams" that treat such patients. We will also be benchmarking the various clinical measures including the ISS scores to identify hospitals that are achieving substantially different outcomes and asking how they achieve this.

The group will work together to compare results on key indicators to identify the data collection and clinical practice differences that contribute to different results.

The Health Roundtable will provide assistance with data analysis and meeting facilitation.

What do you need to do?
  • Designate a liaison representative as a key contact for this group, to coordinate communications including data and/or survey submissions, definitions, practices, and policies.  
  • Complete the pre-meeting survey to identify how you compare to other leading health services. 
  • Identify  an innovative practice at your health service to share with others at the meeting 
  • Organise a delegation of up to four people to attend the meeting. 
What does The Health Roundtable do?
  • Work with key liaison contacts to plan pre-meeting survey and data collection process for the Roundtable meeting.  
  • Provide data reports and briefing package prior to the meeting 
  • Facilitate the meeting to help you identify innovative practices and track progress on action plans.
  • Provide on-going support and one additional data collection round during the year.

Sydney Office

Suite 2, Level 10, 5 Blue Street

North Sydney, 2060

Contact Us

In Australia: +61 (02) 8041 1421

In New Zealand: +64 3741 3123

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