The Medical Patient Journey Improvement Group is now in its second year and, brings together the previous Chronic Disease and re-admissions improvement groups.
The bench marking report for this group aims to consider the patient journey, and focuses on patients with COPD, stroke, diabetes, chronic heart failure, dementia and frailty. In 2019 outcomes related to back pain were introduced in the report.
The goals of the group are to:
· Improve care for patients with chronic conditions
· Reduce unplanned avoidable readmission's
· Identify “exemplar performers” coordination of care for chronic diseases
· Learn how the exemplar hospitals are working together with primary care providers and improve coordination with your primary care service
· Share innovations in practices with an aim to improve patient experience and outcomes
We would like to invite your Health service to participate in this improvement group in 2020 to review bench marking reports, discuss members success and challenges in caring for medical patients and leave with an idea on solutions to improve patient care and outcomes. Click here for more information.
If you are interested in joining this group, have suggestions for improving the reports, or need any information please contact
Existing members can access their group information here.