
Emergency Care

Why Participate?

  • Receive our exclusive reports highlighting your success and opportunities
  • Benchmark with your peers to understand how your Emergency Care services compare 
  • Insight into your Emergency patient’s access, safety and value
  • Share your successful innovations with your colleagues
  • Listen to Emergency Care experts to solve your issues
  • Develop practical implementation plans to improve your service


Select Emergency Care on your member subscription and return by email to or contact Steve Bickford at or on +61 418 638 770.



$A5,450 excl GST
Individual delegate venue fees are separate at $415 per delegate.


Timeline and Key Dates

21 February 2020
Invitation to the workshop including agenda circulated

2 March 2020
Register workshop attendees and book hotel

17th April 2020
Improvement Group Report released to members

20 May 2020
Workshop briefing package distributed

20 May 2020
Emergency Care Data Presentation & New Insights Analytical Dashboard Webinar

June/July 2020
Pandemic Learning Webinar

August 2020
Pandemic Data Presentation

2020 Emergency Care Brochure comming soon.

For any questions, please contact Steve Bickford at or on +61 418 638 770.

Emergency Care Improvement Group

Meeting Code HRT2005

Mindful of the current situation with COVID-19, we are providing a series of no cost webinars in place of the face to face workshop. We encourage you and your colleagues to participate.

Webinar 1: 2020 Emergency Care Data Presentation

Wed 20 May 2020 1-2:30pm AEST

  • Data analysis of the 2019 calendar year presented by Steve Bickford and Ben Wakeling, Health Roundtable
  • Preview of the HRT Emergency Insights online analytics tool (work in progress)

Register each team member's participation at:
Registrations close at 10am on 20 May

Webinar 2: Sharing the learnings from the pandemic planning/response

Wed 24 June 2020 1-2:30pm AEST

  • Sharing the learnings from multiple HRT members
  • Did you come up with anything innovative, were there some unexpected learnings along the way, will you change an existing process based on this experience?
  • Members to present a 3min pitch sharing their experience and nominate a theme for their presentation from the list below:


State-based Insights Demonstration Webinars

A demonstration of the new online analytics tool for HRT Emergency Care reporting in 2021.

  • South Australia 26 August 2020 1-2:30pm AEST
  • New South Wales TBA


The Emergency Care Improvement Group aims to improve the provision of high-quality, safe and efficient Emergency Care through tailored data analysis focussing on Access, Safety and Value. 

The Emergency Care Improvement Group themes include:

  1. What cohorts should not be managed by the ED, and where should they go instead?
  2. The rise of the Acute Physician globally.


The 2021 face-to-face workshop will be held in parrallel with the Medical Patient Journey Improvement Group in one joint session where they will focus on Improving the Delerium Patient Journey.

Emergency Care providers face significant challenges in delivering high quality and timely patient care on an ever-present background of increasing patient presentations and finite hospital resources.  Any mismatch between patient demand and the hospital’s capacity can compromise the safe delivery of care to the patient within the Emergency Department.  

Our exclusive reports highlight key insights for your facility and our unique workshops create collaboration and innovation sharing of best practice across Australia and New Zealand members.

Specifically, the suite of Emergency Care Benchmarking Reports includes analysis on the following:

  • ·         Presentations by month, day and time
  • ·         Arrival and referral
  • ·         Triage performance
  • ·         High Intensity User’s
  • ·         Top presenting diagnosis’s
  • ·         Specific NOF, MH and D&A analysis
  • ·         ED Imaging
  • ·         Length of Stay and NEAT
  • ·         Admission %
  • ·         ED Costs per diagnosis

Your Emergency Department has limited control over demand through your front door and how timely your patients leave through the back door. 

Investigations and inputs from other services take more time and every moment your patient spends within the Emergency Department is measured and reported. 

Referral teams, internal colleagues and external partners need to collaborate with the Emergency team to create high-functioning interfaces, important to the smooth running of any Emergency Department. 

In 2020, our workshop will explore:

1.     What cohorts should not be managed by the ED, and where should they go instead?

2.     The rise of the Acute Physician globally.

After our Emergency Care workshop, you will have analysed your data, highlighted an opportunity, leveraged best practice and have an implementation plan ready to present to the workshop the following year.

The Emergency Care Workshop is an exciting and unique event to:

  • Learn how to analyse the Emergency Care report data
  • Identify your organisations opportunities to improve
  • Celebrate where your teams are exemplars
  • Listen to leading experts in Emergency Care
  • Share your innovations to the membership across Australia and New Zealand.

The Emergency Care Improvement Group will be working closely with members to co-design the reporting and workshop format. 

What do you need to do?

1.     Subscribe to the Emergency Care Improvement Group

2.     Designate an Emergency liaison representative as a key contact for this group

3.     Extract non-casemix data for your health service and submit as requested

4.     Organise a multi-disciplinary Emergency Care team to attend the group meeting

5.     Present your latest Emergency Care innovation at the Workshop

6.     Develop your Aim Statement and improvement plan

7.     Regularly review and analyse your reports, identify your opportunities and celebrate your success with your team

What does The Health Roundtable do?

1.     Work with key liaison contacts to plan the annual meeting.

2.     Collect and collate your data

3.     Produce your reports highlighting your ED’s performance

4.     Analyse your Emergency Care data to provide key insights and comparisons amongst members

5.     Facilitate the annual workshop including expert speakers, data masterclass and assist in identifying and sharing innovative best practice

6.     Enable you to identify your opportunities, develop your Aim statement and improvement plan

7.     Provide ongoing support around your data and reports


Sydney Office

Suite 2, Level 10, 5 Blue Street

North Sydney, 2060

Contact Us

In Australia: +61 (02) 8041 1421

In New Zealand: +64 3741 3123

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Partners and Members


© 1995-2019 The Health Roundtable