
Allied Health

Why Participate?

  • Receive our exclusive reports highlighting your success and opportunities
  • Benchmark with your peers to understand how your Allied Health service compares 
  • Insight into your Allied Services access, quality and value
  • Share your successful innovations with your colleagues
  • Listen to Allied Health experts to solve your issues
  • Develop practical implementation plans to improve your service


Select Allied Health Improvement Group on your subscription agreement and return by email to

For more information please contact:

Steve Bickford at or Ph: +61418 638 770 or

Ben Wakeling at or Ph: +61 468 993 080.


$A5,450 (excl. GST) per group per facility.
Individual delegate venue fees are billed separately.


Timeline and key dates

8 May 2020
Data specification document circulated

7 August 2020
Submit allied health activity data for 2018/19

16 October 2020
Allied Health activity reports on website

9 September - 28 October 2020
Allied Health Improvement Group Webinar Series

Webinar 1: Wednesday 9th September 2020
Webinar 2: Wednesday 16th September 2020
Webinar 3: Thursday 15th October 2020
Webinar 4: Wednesday 28 October 2020

The 2020 Allied Health Improvement Group will be available soon.

Allied Health Improvement Group

Allied Health Improvement Group

Important Update:

Mindful of the current situation with COVID-19, we are providing a series of no cost webinars in place of the face to face workshop. We encourage you and your colleagues to participate. There is no limit to attendance for employees of HRT member hospitals, but please register each attendee.

Allied Health Pandemic Innovations

Theme: Sharing the learnings from our pandemic planning/response

  • Allied Health are prolific innovators, so we have set aside three sessions to share this output
  • Did your site come up with anything innovative, were there some unexpected learnings along the way, will you change an existing process based on this experience?
  • Members to present a 3min pitch sharing their experience and will nominate a theme for their presentation from the list below
  1. Patient Access – Expanding capacity to meet demand, changing mode of service delivery, tightening protocols and other efficiency boosts
  2. Patient Safety – Flow, PPE/Cleaning/Infection Control
  3. People – Workforce, relationships with other services, rostering
  4. Wildcard – Everything else (including non-pandemic innovations)


Dates and times:
  • Webinar #1: Wednesday 9 September 2020 1:00-2:30pm (Sydney Time)
  • Webinar #2: Wednesday 16 September 2020 1:00-2:30pm (Sydney Time)
  • Webinar #3: Thursday 15 October 2020 1:00-2:30pm (Sydney Time)
Allied Health Data Presentation

Allied Health Improvement Group Data presentation including the new HRT Imaging Insights platform
Webinar #4: 
Wednesday 28 October 2020 1:00-2:30pm (Sydney Time)
Steve Bickford, Program Manager, HRT Allied Health


The 2020 Allied Health Improvement Group, in partnership with the Australasian Allied Health Benchmarking Consortium (AAHBC) has been collecting, reporting and comparing Allied Health activity data for over 18 years. 

Your data is used to drive change and innovation in the delivery of patient care across Australia and New Zealand.

In 2019, Health Roundtable benchmarked 5.1 million Allied Hours of service across 900,000 patients looking for service outliers and trying to help identify if more or less is better.

Our exclusive reports focuses on Allied Health hospital activity for Inpatients, Outpatients and ED patients highlighting key insights into your facility including variation and exemplars.

Our unique Workshop creates collaboration and innovation sharing of best practice across Australia and New Zealand members. After our Allied Health Workshop, you will have analysed your data, highlighted an opportunity, leveraged best practice and have an implementation plan ready to present to the workshop the following year.


What do you need to do

  1. Designate a liaison representative as a key contact for this group
  2. Provide detailed activity data from your Allied Health system
  3. Use the Allied Health reports to identify differences in practice and contact other participants to identify innovations
  4. Organise a delegation and attend the annual meeting
  5. Select an improvement project based on the data and share your results with other organisations at the annual meeting

What does The Health Roundtable do?

  1. Collect and process your annual Allied Health data
  2. Merge Allied Health data with inpatient episode data to provide an exclusive suite of comparative reports
  3. Facilitate the annual workshop to identify innovative practices and encourage action 


Sydney Office

Suite 2, Level 10, 5 Blue Street

North Sydney, 2060

Contact Us

In Australia: +61 (02) 8041 1421

In New Zealand: +64 3741 3123

Email Us
Partners and Members


© 1995-2019 The Health Roundtable