
Aim Statement Details

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Status Updates:
Added By
12/10/2020 Sam Lazarus
04/07/2019 Craig MacKenzie test
02/07/2019 Fiona Fitzgerald Test update 
15/11/2018 helen tedeso Change target completion date to 2019!
26/09/2018 Mary Joyce Completed and presented at 2017 HRT. MJ
19/06/2018 Michelle Goodwin Redcliffe Hospital launched in May 2018 the Nursing and Midwifery Professional Practice Model. It reflects our mission, vision and values as well as the five key components which define and support the delivery of nursing and midwifery care. The model has been developed from ground up with participation from all levels of nursing. Redcliffe has partnered with the Studor Group to help with the implementation process.
Leader development, monthly accountability meetings, employee rounding have all commenced. Patient rounding is planned to commence. A quality improvement planning roadmap has commenced in one unit with plans to roll out. The nursing schematic has been designed by nursing for nursing.
06/03/2018 Gillian Tickall Radiologist and radiographer positions approved - now undergoing advertising and interviews. Other staffing on hold (nursing, clerical & non clinical support services).
Staffing for 2nd EDCT for 8 hours during the day - seven days per week when staffing finalized.
Out of hours escalation process to be followed.
13/02/2018 amanda boers aim statement changed to 80% from 90% to reflect a more realistic goal
13/09/2017 Graham Caitens Clinical Pharmacy Service to ED, Toowoomba Hospital commenced Monday 28 August 2017
12/09/2017 Michelle Goodwin Reports have been developed and were initially shared with each director.  These are now produced weekly and posted on the wall outside theatre for doctors to access if they are interested.
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