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INSIGHTS - June 2019 Update

Categories: Hidden Newsletter Articles | Author: Jovin Synott | Posted: 24/06/2019 | Views: 1601

HRT INSIGHTS: June 2019 Product Update

Jovin Synott,
Product Manager

The Health Roundtable


  • Tips and Tricks
  • Data Refresh
  • INSIGHTS Story

  • Clear all filter selections

    Have you ever made some many filter selections you can't figure out why your results look odd? Sometimes it's worth backing up your steps to regain control of your analysis. Each filter available in the platform has a button designed to revert to a select all values. 

    Data Refresh

     Hospitals who are subscribed to Package C have their latest data; available to April 2019.

    Integrated Healthcare

    Integrated care is defined as the continuum of care delivered across different care settings. The Health Roundtable is taking a specific interest in care transactions that take place the hospital and primary care setting. This interest peaks with our Health Roundtable members in New Zealand who operate as district health boards, responsible for both commissioning and providing services for a specific geographical catchment area. 

    We know that providing integrated care is challenging; as it occurs when the work of general practices, community services, and hospitals are seamlessly coordinated and incentivised to deliver patient centred equitable care.  This is important for both physical and mental health and should be offered from prevention through to the end-of-life and in partnership with the individual, their carers and family.

    Managing demand is complex and requires a whole of system approach that involves both the inpatient and outpatient elements of care.  Areas that are likely to have an impact include:

    - The management of long term conditions;
    - Primary care hospital avoidance programmes;
    - Provision of urgent access to primary care;
    - Ambulance diversion pathways;
    - Improving discharges and
    - Understanding readmissions.

    In INSIGHTS you have the capability to analyse the volume of emergency department presentations by urgency disposition group/triage category and referral source, leading to an understanding the volume and trend of patients that are flowing to your hospital that potentially should have been managed in primary care.

    1 - Review your "Percentage of ED within 4/6 hours" results

    2 - While in the Emergency Services module, change the indicator to "Count of Presentations"

    3 - Filter your results to "Non-Admitted Triage 3/4/5" to show the volume of emergency department presentations that were considered not urgent and did not have an admission outcome

    4 - Filter your results to "Direct referral ... by a GP" to show emergency department presentations that were considered not urgent and did not require admission, referred to hospital by GP.

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