In our October newsletter, we announced that new features are coming to the platform in the Polaris upgrade.
A new feature that we are really excited about is the facility to assign users to a “team”. This would enable health services to create named working groups on the platform that can share relevant analysis, discuss their findings and generate insights from their data. Your working groups can be based on your clinical departments and have a multi-disciplinary membership!
1- Identify users who should form the desired working group
2- Identify a “manager” who can administer the working group
3- Contact us to have the working group setup in the platform
4- It’s that simple!
The examples of a working group that might benefit from this facility are your health service’s morbidity and mortality review group. Imagine identifying an interesting case through your INSIGHTS drill-down that requires discussion by this group. Then imagine being able to start a platform discussion with your review group colleagues prior to the meeting, so you come to your morbidity and mortality review group meeting armed with the key facts relevant to the case.
If you’re interested in setting up working groups for your health service, please contact Jovin Synott (
We recently had an enquiry about how to select all codenames showing in the overview chart. You can click and drag to create a selection box that covers all columns in the Overview chart section, to populate your Time Series chart below.
Hospitals who subscribed to Package B or Package C have their latest data (to September 2018) updated on the INSIGHTS platform.
Using INSIGHTS to investigate hospital-onset malnutrition episodes
As financial penalties now apply to the list of HACs identified by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare and the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority (see links below), it is important to verify that the episodes that are flagging as having HACs are indeed correct.
This step-by-step guide will explain how to use INSIGHTS to explore your organisation’s HAC rate, specifically drilling into malnutrition episodes that may be worth investigating as they:
• Have a short length of stay
• Were not a statistical admission (i.e. care type change)
• Were not transferred in from another hospital
Note that malnutrition HACs are identified by one of the following diagnosis codes, combined with a condition onset flag that indicates the condition arose during the episode of care:
E43 Unspecified severe protein-energy malnutrition
E44.0 Moderate protein-energy malnutrition
E44.1 Mild protein-energy malnutrition
E46 Unspecified protein-energy malnutrition
1 - Navigate to your HACs Module
2 - Select Complication Group of "Malnutrition"
3 - Select the focus hospital
4 - Select an interesting time period to populate the investigation table
5 - Select numerator to retrieve the episode detail
6 - Sort episode detail by the length of stay and click on an individual episode to retrieve diagnosis and procedure codes
Australian Commission on Safety & Quality in Healthcare:
Independent Hospital Pricing Authority: